NOTICE -- D/P, "As per U.P. govt. orders, school will remain closed till further notice in order to ensure safety and well-being of our students from Corona virus." "Online classes will be conducted as per the schedule shared into class Whatsapp groups."


1. A constant watch by the parents towards the academic attainment, developing mental attitudes and undevoted attention to their studies will be a solid co-operation with the school in making up the child.

2. Students are not allowed to engage any of the staff members of the school for private tuitions. If as an exception a particular student wants to engage any of the teachers, He/She should get prior written permission of the principal/ management.

3. Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities in work of the school by enforcing regularity, discipline and observance of its rules and code of conduct.

4. The date of birth of the students once given by the parents and recorded will not be changed as per the instruction of the education authorities.

5. Avoid social engagement or medical appointment for your ward during the school timings.

6. The school uniform is compulsory. The students should be neat and well-groomed. Personnel cleaning, nails, hanky, hairs, uniform and shoes are inspected on regular intervals.

7. In case of illness, certificate of a recognized medical practitioner must be produced to regularize the attendance.

8. Parents are not allowed to meet with the teacher directly. They should contact the school office first.

9. Change of address, telephone / mobile number whenever it occurs should be intimated to the school immediately.

10. In matter of evaluation and estimating examination answer sheet as well as decision in respect of promotion, the option of the principal and management is in the best interest of your child. Kindly therefore refrain requesting for promotion against the better judgment of the authorities.

11. As a matter of policy, accelerated promotional jump from class 1st to 3rd or from class 2nd to 4th and so on either during the session or at the close of session is not allowed to any student under any condition.

12. Students have to look after the property of school.

13. 75% attendance of the students is compulsory as per rules.

14. Send your child to school on time & in neat and clean school uniform.

15. Send your child proper lunch in the morning.

16. Ensure that your child has done his/her home work complete.

17. Mobiles phones are strictly not allowed in the school. In case of found in the premises of the school a penalty of Rs 500/- will be charged or the name of such candidate will be struck off form the roll of Re-Admission will not grant to such students.


The institution places highest importance on the maintenance of discipline and punctuality. The students are advised to take Discipline not as an irksome burden but as a joyous pursuit for their own education and betterment. The ultimate object of school is to inculcate among students the conviction of discipline. (A harmonic interaction of conviction, feeling, thinking, and doing ).

1. Students should come to school regularly, punctually dressed (uniform) neatly and correctly.

2. Students found guilty of causing damage to school properties will be penalized.

3. Irregular attendance, habitual negligence of studies, disobedience, lack of regard towards the teacher and on becoming behavior will be strongly dealt with.

4. Students will have to maintain strict discipline in and outside the school. Defaulters may even be expelled without refund of any fee and without assigning any reason.

5. Creating nuisance in the classroom, misbehaving with teacher or fellow students etc, would cause struck of name from school rolls besides disciplinary action.

6. All the pupil must be present for the morning assembly where they pray together.

7. A prolonged absence of any student without leave application for 30 days (consecutively) will result in the removal of name from the school rolls.

8. No students is allowed to leave the school premises without obtaining the permission from the principal.

9. Maintain the name & honor of the school everywhere.

10. No students are allowed to bring mobile phone, comic and other electronic items etc, in the school campus.

11. School is not responsible for causing injury to any students inside or outside the school campus.


Communication or meeting between parents and teachers is not generally permitted during school hours. The parents may meet the teachers on OPEN DAY and on last working day of the month by prior appointment. On this day parents must accompany their wards in school uniform with diary, school bag & record file.